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On November 14, 2017, Mr. Chen Zhenchong, commissioner of Haikou customs, visited HPB for surveying its cross-border e-commerce business

2017-11-14 15:30

In the morning of November 14, Mr. Chen Zhenchong, newly inaugurated commissioner of Haikou customs, visited HPB for the purpose of surveying its cross-border e-commerce business with the companion of Mr. Han Bin, party committee secretary of Haikou FTZ, Mr. Liu Hua, director of customs of Haikou FTZ and other relevant department directors.

Mr. Zhang Baojun, chairman of HPB gave them a vivid introduction of its development and operation of cross-border e-commerce business. Mr. Chen highly praised its development of bonded to duty-free business for diamond jewelry, and expressed his support and assistance in policy for helping Haikou FTZ to build a “Park within Park” for jewelry industry.

Mr. Chen gained a comprehensive understanding of the development of cross-border e-commerce of HPB

Mr. Chen in surveillance room

Mr. Chen in NGTC lab

Mr. Chen looked at NGTC certificate samples
